Semarang, November 2, 2021 – Regal Springs Indonesia (RSI) through its KAMI PEDULI program has handed over assistance consisting of 30 fish cages with pontoon houses worth Rp135 million on Tuesday (11/2/2021) to the Village Government of Sumberejo and Sumber Sari, Wadaslintang Subdistrict, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java.
The symbolic handover of the fish cages took place on Saturday (10/23/2021), including five cages for the Bersole Karang Taruna of Sumber Rejo Village, which will be utilized for empowering local youth. “The donation of fish cages is part of our KAMI PEDULI Sustainable Program in the Lake and Water pillar. These fish cages will be managed by the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) to support food security and the sustainable economy of the local community,” said Dian Octavia, Senior Manager of Corporate & Community Affairs at Regal Springs Indonesia.
In addition to the fish cages, Regal Springs Indonesia also provided assistance in the form of one operational boat for securing the waters of Wadaslintang Reservoir to the Wadaslintang Police Sector and Military District Command, as well as two computer units for the Wadaslintang Sub District office.
David Tampubolon, Head of Corporate Affairs at Regal Springs Indonesia, added that the provision of fish cages is one of the company’s efforts, together with the community, to enhance fish farming. “We hope that these facilities can support the increase in self-sufficiency and fish farming, as well as the sustainability of the local economy,” Tampubolon explained.
On this occasion, the Village Heads of Sumber Sari and Sumber Rejo expressed their gratitude for Regal Springs Indonesia’s attention and support to their residents. The received floating fish cages will be managed by the BUMDes to support the local community’s economy in terms of fish farming. This aligns with the local government’s initiative to designate this area as a “Fish Village.”
Regal Springs Indonesia has previously supported the economic activities of communities in Central Java. Last year, they donated 30 floating fish cages to the communities around Kedung Ombo Reservoir in Ngargosari Village, Sumberlawang, Sragen Regency, in collaboration with the Village Government of Ngargosari, Sragen. In February 2021, they also donated 40 floating fish cages to Sendang and Gumiwang Lor Villages in Wonogiri Subdistrict, Wonogiri Regency, aiming to support the local economy around Gajah Mungkur Reservoir.