The Movement to Promote Fish Consumption (GEMARIKAN) is an important initiative for the well-being and health of the Indonesian people. GEMARIKAN is a systematic and structured effort initiated by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) to encourage the public to enjoy eating fish. This movement involves various elements of the nation, including the central government, local governments, businesses, schools, universities, community organizations, and professionals.
History of GEMARIKAN

The GEMARIKAN program began in 2004 and was launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Since then, the campaign has continued with the cooperation of various stakeholders. The main goal of GEMARIKAN is to increase public demand for fishery products and improve nutritional intake from fish, which has implications for increasing national fish consumption.
Why Should We Eat Fish?

Preventing Stunting and Malnutrition
Malnutrition and stunting are still serious problems in Indonesia. Ir. Doddy Izwardi, Director of Community Nutrition at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, states that nutritional problems occur due to the lack of public understanding of the nutritional content of food, especially fish. Fish is a readily available source of protein and can help address nutritional issues in Indonesia. The public is encouraged to consume fish frequently to improve nutritional intake, helping to prevent stunting and malnutrition in children.
Boosting Immunity and Intelligence
Protein is an essential nutrient for brain nutrition and body immunity. Fish is a high-protein food source. Additionally, fish is rich in omega-3, which supports brain development and children’s health. Consuming fish can strengthen the immune system because fish does not contain saturated fatty acids.
Sukesi, S.Gz, RD states that fish contains about 20% protein, omega-3, vitamins A, D, B6, and B12. Regular fish consumption can enhance immunity and intelligence, supporting children’s physical growth and health.
Supporting Economy and Employment
Fishery activities provide jobs for fishermen, farmers, processors, and marketers of fishery products. Increasing fish consumption not only maintains public health but also promotes the growth of the fishery sector economy. This includes capture production, aquaculture, processing, and marketing of fishery products, ultimately benefiting the community’s welfare.
One example is the tilapia farming company Regal Springs Indonesia, operating in Lake Toba, which has employed over 2,100 people and significantly contributed to economic growth.
Regal Springs Indonesia and Support for GEMARIKAN

Regal Springs Indonesia, as a leading tilapia farming company, fully supports the GEMARIKAN initiative. The company has actively campaigned for GEMARIKAN for years. A concrete example of Regal Springs Indonesia’s support was in 2023, during the National Fish Day (Harkannas) 2023 celebration. Regal Springs Indonesia (PT Aqua Farm Nusantara) held an educational event themed “Eat Fish, Healthy Investment for the Golden Generation” at Ranch Market Pondok Indah, Jakarta, in collaboration with KKP.
In this campaign, Regal Springs Indonesia promoted the importance of fish consumption for health and supporting Indonesia’s young generation. The company also demonstrated its commitment to sustainable and responsible fish farming, utilizing all parts of the fish to reduce food waste and supporting national nutrition programs.
By consuming fish, we not only maintain personal health but also support the economy and community welfare. Let’s all support GEMARIKAN for a healthier and more prosperous Indonesia!