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Tilapia Fish Farming Process: From Pond to Dinner Table with an Eco-Friendly Approach

Photo: Rose Nani Nizah Nayan from Cookpad

The tilapia cultivation process is a series of complex activities and requires special attention to ensure high-quality results. Regal Springs Indonesia, as one of the leading tilapia producers, applies environmentally friendly cultivation methods to produce healthy and nutritious products.

1. Site Selection and Water Quality

Regal Springs Indonesia chooses a cultivation location in a deep, oxygen-rich freshwater lake, such as Lake Toba. Good water quality is essential for the growth of tilapia. Parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and water clarity are monitored regularly to ensure an optimal environment for the fish.

2. Seeding and Enlargement

The process begins with the selection of quality tilapia broodstock to produce superior seeds. The seeds are then placed in floating net cages in the lake, allowing the fish to grow in natural conditions with good water circulation. This method ensures that the fish do not eat algae or mud that can affect the taste of the meat.

3. Quality Feeding

The feed given to tilapia fish is very important. Regal Springs Indonesia uses floating feed that is low in phosphorus, made from natural ingredients, and free from harmful chemicals. Proper feeding not only supports fish growth but also maintains water quality and the surrounding environment.

4. Fish Health Monitoring

Fish health is monitored regularly to detect disease or stress. A team of experts conducts regular surveillance and takes preventive measures to ensure the fish remain healthy until harvest. These measures include disease surveillance, hatching health planning, and water quality monitoring.

5. Harvesting and Processing

After reaching the ideal size, tilapia fish are carefully harvested to reduce stress and maintain meat quality. The processing process is carried out with high hygienic standards, ensuring that the product that reaches consumers remains fresh and nutritious.

6. Eco-Friendly Approach

Regal Springs Indonesia is committed to sustainable farming practices. The use of quality feed, water quality monitoring, and responsible farming methods ensure minimal impact on the environment. In addition, the company also plays a role in the Blue Food Movement to accelerate the transformation of the food system that humans and the earth need.

Through this series of processes, tilapia from Regal Springs Indonesia can be enjoyed at the dining table with guaranteed quality, health, and environmental sustainability.