World Fisheries Day, observed annually on November 21st, demonstrates solidarity with all fishermen, fish farmers, and stakeholders worldwide. Its primary aims are to raise public awareness about issues such as overfishing, habitat destruction, and other serious threats to the sustainability of marine and freshwater resources. The day also emphasizes the importance of sustainable global fisheries management to ensure healthy fish stocks and balanced ecosystems.
History of World Fisheries Day:
World Fisheries Day originated in 1997 when the World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers met in New Delhi, leading to the establishment of the World Fisheries Forum. Representatives from 18 countries signed a declaration advocating for global mandates on sustainable fishing practices and policies.
Objectives of World Fisheries Day:
The main goals include highlighting the importance of sustainable fisheries worldwide, strengthening human rights for small-scale fishing communities, improving working conditions in the fishing industry, and combating illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.
Why World Fisheries Day is Important:
Approximately 25% of the world’s food protein is provided by fish, and around 200 million people are employed directly or indirectly in the fishing industry. Therefore, maintaining the health of our oceans is crucial for our future, global food security, and livelihoods.
How to Get Involved in World Fisheries Day:
For fishermen and fish farmers
it’s important to adopt and adhere to the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188) and Recommendation (No. 199) to ensure safe and fair working conditions.
For governments and communities
supporting sustainable fishing practices and frameworks is vital for food security and environmental sustainability.
For consumers, choosing sustainably sourced seafood products helps promote responsible fishing practices and supports the livelihoods of fishermen.
Regal Springs Indonesia and World Fisheries Day:
Regal Springs Indonesia, a tilapia farming company, actively supports World Fisheries Day and National Fish Day (Harkannas) by promoting responsible and sustainable fish farming practices. They participate in various events and campaigns organized by the government and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the importance of consuming fish for nutrition and sustainable food production.