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[PRESS RELEASE] Commemorating National Fish Day, Regal Springs Indonesia Encourages the Fish Eating Movement for the Golden Generation

Jakarta, November 7, 2023 – The National Fish Day (Harkannas), commemorated every November 21, serves as a moment to remind the public of the importance of fish as a high-protein and healthy food source.

In celebration of Harkannas 2023, Regal Springs Indonesia (PT Aqua Farm Nusantara) organized an educational event titled “Eat Fish, Invest in Health for the Golden Generation” at Ranch Market Pondok Indah, Jakarta. In collaboration with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Regal Springs Indonesia campaigned for the importance of ensuring a safe, nutritious food supply and responsible, sustainable food production.

Rudolf Hoeffelman, President Director of Regal Springs Indonesia, explained that the goal of this educational activity is a collective effort to improve the quality of future generations, including raising awareness about the vital role of good food sources.

“Tilapia is currently one of the top five main export commodities in the fisheries sector that continues to grow in Indonesia. To meet demand and international market standards, we are committed to ensuring that our tilapia products are cultivated and produced in line with the principles of good fish farming,” clarified Rudolf.

Emy Khonifah, Chair of the Domestic Promotion Task Force at the Directorate of Marketing, Directorate General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fisheries Products, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, emphasized in her presentation that in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024, fish is identified as one of the domestic food sources, and its availability is an indicator of success in achieving food and nutrition security.

“Sustainable fisheries products are crucial for global food security in the future and address the nutritional needs of the population. Currently, the KKP continues to promote the ‘Love Fish’ Movement (Gemarikan), involving all components of society, from the government to companies, to support national food and nutrition security through fish consumption to reduce the prevalence of stunting,” said Emy.

The Gemarikan program itself is implemented through strengthening fish supply, demand enhancement, innovation development, and collaboration and synergy program strengthening.

In addition to health, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries also highlighted how fish contributes to enhancing the competitiveness of marine and fisheries products in Indonesia. One of Indonesia’s flagship commodities is tilapia, which is among the top five export commodities.

The economic potential of tilapia as a major export commodity, for the improvement of the national economy, is promising and continues to be cultivated and developed. In addition to being a local demand, the demand for tilapia products in the global market is also increasing.

Dr. Ing. Dase Hunaefi, another speaker at this event, also emphasized the importance of eating fish as a long-term investment due to the adequate nutrition it contains. Tilapia, for instance, contains high protein content and other essential nutrients such as Omega-6, vitamin D, and essential amino acids.

“Fish offers many advantages, one of which is protein, a crucial nutrient needed by the body for growth, repair, and maintenance of body cells,” said Dr. Dase.

Not only that, but protein also helps maintain the health of vital organs and assists in weight management. Additionally, fish protein is easily digestible and absorbed by the human body, better than other animal protein sources such as chicken, beef, or lamb.

Regal Springs Indonesia, as a key player in aquaculture, contributes by developing integrated and sustainable tilapia farming.

The excellence of tilapia produced by Regal Springs Indonesia includes high protein content, vitamin D, low fat, free of antibiotics and chemicals, no earthy odor, meeting national and international certification standards, fresh and natural taste, a soft texture, 6-8 percent protection glazing content, white flesh, and cultivated in well-preserved freshwater ecosystems.

About Regal Springs Indonesia

Regal Springs Indonesia is a pioneer in responsible fish farming in Indonesia since 1989 and is one of the food and manufacturing companies employing over 2,000 employees in North Sumatra.

In 2018, Regal Springs Indonesia launched the “WE CARE” Social Responsibility and Sustainability program, focusing on three pillars: Environment, Social, and Economic. This is the first integrated sustainability program for tilapia farming. In all its operations, Regal Springs Indonesia prioritizes environmental sustainability and natural resource conservation, evident in being the world’s first tilapia producer to operate responsibly according to the Good Aquaculture Practice (GAP), Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), and GAA BAP standards.