Nile tilapia, also known as tilapia, is one of the freshwater fish that plays a significant role in aquaculture in Indonesia. In efforts to enhance the production and quality of Nile tilapia, various research and studies have been conducted to create variations of tilapia fry that possess different advantages and uniqueness. This article will introduce the superior types of Nile tilapia that you need to know.
1. Ikan Nila Best (Bogor Enhanced Strain Tilapia)
BEST tilapia is one of the outcomes of tilapia breeding, utilizing characteristics of growth excellence. This fish is a result of research conducted by the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Institute team in Bogor.
The advantages of BEST tilapia include its disease resistance, which is 140% better than regular tilapia. Additionally, this fish exhibits excellent growth, reaching 300-500 grams in just 4 months. Moreover, its resilience to environmental conditions, withstanding salinity levels up to 15 ppt, positions BEST tilapia as one of the superior varieties of tilapia.
2. Ikan Nila Srikandi (Salinity Resistant Improvement from Sukamandi)
Srikandi tilapia is one of the tilapia varieties resulting from breeding efforts by the Fish Breeding Research Institute (BPPI) in Sukamandi, Subang, West Java. This fish was released by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in 2012.
The uniqueness of Srikandi tilapia lies in its high tolerance to environmental conditions, with a salinity level of up to ≤ 30 ppt. Additionally, Srikandi tilapia exhibits rapid growth and disease resistance, making it an ideal solution for utilizing sub-optimal land along coastal areas.
3. Ikan Nila Nirwana 2 (Nila Ras Wanayasa)
Nirwana 2 tilapia is a result of development by the Wanayasa Fish Seed Development Center located in Purwakarta, West Java. “Nirwana” stands for Nila Ras Wanayasa. The advantage of Nirwana tilapia lies in its extremely fast growth, reaching a weight of 1 kilogram in just six months
Nirwana 2 tilapia has a wider body shape, shorter head, and thicker flesh structure compared to regular tilapia. This strain, released by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in 2012, exhibits a 15% higher growth rate compared to its previous generation.
4. Ikan Nila Gesit (Genetically Supermale Indonesian Tilapia)
The Genetically Supermale Indonesian Tilapia (GESIT) was developed by researchers from the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Institute (BBPBAT), and the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).
GESIT tilapia can reach a size of 8 cm within 4-5 months. Especially for those with YY chromosomes, this fish has an advantage in terms of male sex, with 98-100 percent of its offspring being male. Another economic advantage is its extremely fast growth, reaching a weight of 600 grams per fish within five to six months.
5. Ikan Nila Jatimbulan
Jatimbulan tilapia is a result of engineering by the Freshwater Aquaculture Technical Implementation Unit (PBAT) Umbulan in Pasuruan, East Java. The advantage of this fish lies in its faster growth compared to regular tilapia and its firmer flesh structure.
6. Ikan Nila Larasati (Nila Merah Strain Janti)
Larasati tilapia is a breeding outcome from the Freshwater Fish Seed Farming (PBIAT) in Janti, Klaten, Central Java. This fish is a crossbreed between black tilapia and red tilapia.
The advantage of Larasati tilapia lies in its growth, which is similar to red tilapia, and its ability to respond to feed like black tilapia. Additionally, it has faster growth rates, higher meat yield, and a high survival rate in cultivation.
7. Ikan Nila atau Tilapia AN (Aquafarm Nusantara)
Tilapia Aquafarm Nusantara, or what we call Nila AN, is a result of the development by PT Aqua Farm Nusantara, better known as Regal Springs Indonesia. This tilapia, known for its cultivation in Indonesia as Oreochromis Niloticus, is redeveloped through a breeding program involving the selection of the best tilapia families in each generation to obtain superior fish resilience and growth.
The uniqueness of Nila AN tilapia lies in its cultivation, which takes place in freshwater lakes rich in oxygen, using low-phosphorus floating feed, and employing floating net cages that do not consume algae or mud.
The result of this cultivation is premium tilapia with white, layered, delicious meat that is free from any unpleasant odor. Nila AN tilapia has become the top choice for those seeking the best quality tilapia and looking for superior alternatives in tilapia farming. By combining modern technology and good husbandry practices, Nila AN tilapia becomes an extremely attractive option for the fisheries industry in Indonesia.
By familiarizing themselves with various superior tilapia varieties, fish farmers can select the varieties that suit their needs and enhance the productivity and quality of their tilapia farming endeavors. These superior tilapia varieties are a tangible evidence of the ongoing breeding and research efforts in the fisheries sector that continue to evolve in Indonesia.